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Parking and waiting restrictions

On-street parking and waiting restrictions

Double yellow lines are in force at all times and are not accompanied by any additional signage. You may load and unload on double yellow lines, this process needs to be continuous and may not be interrupted by other activities.

All parking and waiting restrictions will be clearly signed, detailing any permitted times of parking.

Requesting parking and waiting restrictions

Map Based Traffic Regulation Orders (MBTROs)

A Map Based Traffic Regulation Order or MBTRO is a legal order containing schedules that show on-street parking and waiting restrictions on maps.

You can view on-street parking and waiting orders at Traffic Penalty (opens new window).

Off-street parking and waiting restrictions

Wiltshire Council controls 68 surface and multi-storey car parks that are controlled by a legal order.

You can view off-street parking and waiting orders at Traffic Penalty (opens new window).

For any further information email (opens new window).

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