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Section 50 street works licence

Under the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) a Section 50 licence allows a person without a statutory right (a private person or organisation), to place, retain and remove apparatus in the street, and to do work necessary for that purpose.  

An apparatus could be a:

  • drain
  • fibre optic cable
  • duct
  • sewer, water or gas pipe

Section 50 of the NRSWA, and Schedule 3, govern the licence system. The licensee is then effectively acting as a statutory undertaker and is governed by the obligations imposed under NRSWA, the Traffic Management Act (TMA) and other regulations.

Wiltshire Council must keep a record of all street works, and apparatus installed, under licences it has granted. Details of licences must be included in the Street Works Register.

Non-compliance with any requirement of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 may result in severe financial penalties.

No works are permitted to start without the duly authorised licences. Any unauthorised works on the public highway may be subject to consideration for prosecution.

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