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What you can do as an organisation or business

Westmill Solar Co-operative

Although based in Oxfordshire, Westmill Solar co-operative provide community funding opportunities within a 25 mile radius of the solar farm site which includes parts of the Wiltshire Council administrative area. The Community Grant Scheme is for eligible non-profit community organisations of between £500-£5,000 and is one of a number of initiatives they run to support climate change action.

Westmill Solar Co-operative: Community Funding (opens new window)

Calculate your organisation's carbon footprint

Knowing your carbon footprint (opens new window) today gives you a baseline for measuring the improvements you make. In the future more companies may add environmental measures to their tendering process and might require the information from you.

Spread the word

To ensure greenhouse emissions decrease fast enough we are going to need engage within society. Talking about it encourages others to think about it and spreads the message further.

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