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MCI/Army basing

Discover more about Wiltshire's Military Civilian Integration presence and its communities

What is the MCI Partnership?

Wiltshire's Military Civilian Integration Partnership is the first of its kind in the UK. Since 2006, it has bought together military and public services maximising the economic and social benefits of Wiltshire's military presence.

Health and wellbeing

We are committed to enabling all people of Wiltshire, including the military community, to lead healthy, active, high quality lives. We work with the community to achieve this.


We have worked closely with the Ministry of Defence to ensure there are sufficient numbers of school places available.

Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served, and their families, are treated fairly.

Jobs for military leavers

We work closely with key economic partners to ensure support is there to find the right employment in the county or the support needed to start up your own business.

Housing support

There are a range of options for accommodation in Wiltshire.

Army Basing Programme

Wiltshire has a long and proud history of association with the military. This was further strengthened in March 2013 when the government announced thousands of service personnel would be making Wiltshire their permanent home by the end of the decade.

Army Basing news and events

Please be aware that the Army Basing Programme ended on 31 March 2021.

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